The first appointment will last 1½ hours for an adult, or an hour for a baby. During this time you will talk informally but in detail about your symptoms and how you experience them, your medical history and your family’s medical history, your likes and dislikes, temperament, lifestyle and how you react to different environments, as these contribute to the unique picture of who you are. I shall also discuss any previous treatment you have received and whether you require further treatment and tests from a medical practitioner. I would also like to know what medications you are taking. This information needs to be taken to assess how your environment, your past, your present and your health affects you. This time is focussed entirely on you and what is troubling you. After careful consideration of you and your circumstances you will be sent a remedy to take.

Any information given will be treated in the strictest confidence. 

After taking your remedy, your symptoms may get a little worse for a short time. This shows that the remedy is starting to have an effect. You may also develop a cold, a rash or a discharge which is an indication that your system is cleansing itself.

It's a good idea to keep a diary of any major symptoms or changes to your condition to discuss with your homeopath during your follow up appointment.